Meet the Team

At It's Never Dark Enough— or 'INDE' (pronounced 'indie')— we are role-playing enthusiasts turned developers. Our love of nerd and internet culture, science fiction, punk genres, and horror color everything that we do. Our goal is to create unique tabletop experiences that are fun to play and speak to fans just like us. To put it simply, we want to create your most exciting nightmares.

Eira Brand

NKdotzip • Team Lead, Print Manager

Eira is in charge of all things media, be it the book layout, web design, or art direction. She leads the INDE team and works heavily with Tex and Conrad on crafting the lore of Shattered. In her spare time he is hard at work writing a sci-fi horror novel called "Run Like Hell."

Philip Barousse

Tex • Loreweaver, Backend Developer

Philip is a lore guru, self-taught programmer, and co-website designer for Shattered. He spends his spare time coming up with ideas for video games and scribbling notes about a future book series set in the Shattered universe.

James Palumbo

LostAbyss • Systems Expert, First of His Name

James was one of the first developers on Shattered. Early on he spent most of his time developing systems, before making the transition into editing as the project neared completion. In his spare time, he has been focusing on what is best in life, but he enjoys gaming of all kinds and follows a number of streamers on Twitch.

Cody Wiemholt

Cory Conrad

Retired Staff

Alex Robb

Other Contributors

Special Thanks

  • Howard & Laura Barousse
  • Christopher Smith
  • John Polack

Other Contributors

  • Arrevanthas • Bear Winters
  • ChaoticSorcerer • Gunhaven • J-Ro
  • Hhoky • Kaine • Derek Poole
  • SmachiGadget • Starmage21 • Ed Zero

1e Playtesters

  • Billiam • Brandon • Busywithboredom
  • Evil System Lord • Jayezco
  • J-Ro • Karalis • Konrad
  • Thamir • Alesk le Magnifique
  • Denis Maillet • Gregory Karcz
  • Laurent Appledoorn
  • Multimark • Oneig Atyff

In Memoriam

Mark Shapiro

Amish Rambo